Water usage calculator

There are six steps in water usage calculator.

All fields marked with * must be completed


We all like to make a saving - and one of the easiest ways to reduce your water bill is to apply for a meter.

To help you decide whether a meter is right for you, why not spend a few minutes completing our water usage calculator? It only takes a few clicks, and we'll tell you immediately if you could make a saving with a meter.

If you already have a water meter in your home, our calculator will give you some hints and tips on how to make further water savings, helping to reduce your water bill. Give it a try - you might be surprised how much you could save.

Please note: This calculator is suitable for customers who pay for water and wastewater services which is the majority of our customers. For the small number of customers who only pay for water services (for example, you have a septic tank which collects your wastewater) we can still work out your saving, please call us on 0345 672 2999.


People count info icon
When is your home occupied?* when is home occupies info icon
How do you heat your water?* Source to heat water info icon



What type of toilet do you have?* Toilet type info icon

Showers & baths

What type of shower do you have?*

Brushing your teeth

Do you leave the tap running when brushing your teeth?*


Washing machine

Do you have a washing machine? *
What type is your washing machine? *
Do you use economy? * Economy usage info icon
Do you only switch it on when it's a full load? *
Do you wash your clothes by hand or go to a laundrette?*

Dish washing

Do you have a dishwasher? *
What type is your dishwasher? *
Do you use economy? * Economy cheking info icon
Do you only switch it on when it's a full load?*



Do you have a garden, patio or yard?*
Do you use a hosepipe to water your garden?* Source to water the garden info icon
We will assume the hosepipe is used for an average of 10 minutes each time,
for 12 weeks in summer months
Do you use a watering can filled from your tap?* Watering Can fill from tap help icon
We will assume you water the garden on average 12 weeks in summer months
Do you have a water butt?*
Do you use water collected in a water butt to water the garden?* Water collected in water butt to water garden help icon

Motor vehicles

Do you have a motor vehicle that you wash at home?* motor vehicle wash help icon
What do you use to wash your vehicle?*
We will assume the hosepipe is used for an average of 10 minutes
We will assume the pressure washer is used for an average of 10 minutes


All done! Thanks for completing our water usage calculator.

You use an average of 0.00 litres of water per day.

You currently pay £0.00 per year

that's £0.00 more.

Go back and see how changing your water consumption would increase or decrease your bill

View detailed usage reportOpens in a new window

To apply for a water meter, please give us a call on 0345 072 6065.


We've got a lot more information on how using water wisely can reduce both your water and energy bills - and help the environment too.

How much would it cost to heat your water?

of heated water usage


Average cost of energy

Equals to

Tell us how we’ve done – it only takes a minute

Water efficiency rating

Consumption based on living in your property

If you have a different number of people living in your property, please let us know here.

Your average consumption litres per day

Your water consumption can be of the following
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Above average

If your consumption is higher than average for the number of people in your household, it's often because you're using more water than usual. This can happen for a number of reasons. For example:

  • you have family visiting or children returning from university
  • you are spending more time at home due to work, or because of an illness
  • or maybe you've recently fitted a water-hungry appliance, such as a power shower.

If you see your tap dripping or toilet push-button sticking, then it's wasting water and you should get a plumber to look at it, as this also increases your consumption. There are many ways you can save water (and money) in your home. Click here to see our other water-saving tips.

Water usage calculator

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