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NEA Training Module for Viridis Partners

The National Energy Action eLearning package 'Fuel Poverty: Causes and Impacts' is a unique resource for VIRIDIS partners.

Follow this four-stage process to access the module.

  1. Click on the image to the right to visit the NEA eLearning platform.
  2. Set up your own account by clicking 'Create new account' on the top right hand corner of the screen and filling in your details. If you have trouble doing this, further information about how to complete registration is available here.
  3. Once you have successfully enrolled, go to the NEA 'Fuel Poverty: Causes and Impacts. An eLearning course for Viridis' link and input the enrolment key - nea101?viR
  4. You can now access the course whenever you choose. Each time you log off the eLearning site, you will need to put in your user name and password again, but the system will automatically remember where you left off.

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